Roma 4 bespoke grating fence Francis Crick with dual purpose integrated lighting post news 1

Roma-4 Fence Designed for Street Lighting

The Francis Crick Institute is the biggest single biomedical laboratory in Europe. It brings together around 1,250 of the best scientists in the world, from many fields of research, to tackle some of the most challenging questions underpinning human health.

A Roma-4 fence was specified for its prestigious new building. The fence was customised, setting the grating panels horizontally so that the mesh mirrored the rectangular features of the glazed facade on the south and north elevations. In addition, tubular posts were chosen and extended at intervals to provide street lighting.

Matching Infill panels were also supplied to balustrades adjacent to the building, surrounding ventilation and emergency access areas.

Product: Roma-4 (bespoke design)

Architect: HOK & PLP Architecture

Main Contractor:  Laing O’Rourke